This is a Sad F***ing Song: The Summer of 2000
I don’t know if there’s a lot of background for this edition… This was the summer before we founded the non-profit to take over The Brattle so I’m sure Ivy and I were busy figuring that out. As a consequence, I don’t think that I was rabidly consuming music at this point (or not as rabidly as at other points in my life). I only went to 3 shows (that I remember) that summer but they were pretty good ones. Sonic Youth/Stereolab co-headlined Avalon and, according to, Sonic Youth opened with Schizophrenia so I probably lost my mind. Also that summer was, I think, the one and only time I saw Lou Reed live – outside at whatever they were calling Harborlights at the time – and Einstürzende Neubauten at Axis (the weird industrial haven in the shadow of Fenway Park).
I am again regretting that these are not actual mixtapes since if this was a real tape I’d be able to cut off the ‘skit’ after Lil’ Kim’s “Don’t Mess With Me” but some may enjoy it… once. As for the rest of the music on this ‘tape,’ most of it holds up pretty well – though you may best appreciate Robbie Williams’ “Rock DJ” in the form of its classic music video linked below the playlist. Oh, and Nü Metal fans, sorry, I tried giving another shot to Deftones’ White Pony but I still just can’t dig it… Please enjoy some Cave In instead!
Here’s the Summer of 2000 mixtape: